Overview —
Nowbase is a startup for a social media app that brings different creators together to collaborate and connect with one another. I worked as a UX Designer and Researcher to design the first MVP through mockups, wireframes, brand guidelines, and interactive prototypes.
Context —
Project Overview
Develop an all-in-one social platform for creatives to share, explore and monetize their content, allowing creators to collaborate with eachother.
A one-stop solution with all content accessed in one place and one online presence.
Executed wireframing, prototyping and designing the MVP for both web and mobile, and created branding assets for promotional website and product.
UX Research & Analysis  —
196 Survey Responses, 9 Interviews
From the user surveys and research I was provided with, I interpreted data and organized a report with existing problems and solutions for each category, specific to how Nowbase can solve and approach that problem.  

From the research, I also identified target user personas and what features we needed to implement. These findings were then translated visually and into user interfaces.
Identifying Problems —
Main User Pain Points
We were able to narrow down our initial target users to undergraduate and graduate students who are currently attending colleges in the United States.
Solution —
All content accessed in one place, with creators being able to monetize their work.
Iterating & Designing —
Wireframes & Prototypes to judge feasibility and scope
Design & Improve —
Home Page - Decluttering
I reduced non-essential features, such as stories, unified the color scheme, spacing, and text size, and added a separate page for creating new posts.
Profile - Simpler Personalization
The edit and delete buttons had small target zones, so I implemented centralized element customization. Additionally, we added both edit mode and save mode for improved usability.
Explore Page - Exploration
I explored various iterations, including gamification, a Pinterest-board style, and section-based scrolling. Prioritizing discoverability based on user interests, the platform now features "Trending Now," recommended profiles, and popular threads.
Onboarding & Home
  • Different iterations including gamification, pinterest-board style, scrolling each section
  • Prioritized discoverability in order of user interests
  • Includes trending now, recommended profiles, and popular threads
  • All of creator’s content in one place
  • All shops, digital stores linked
  • Monetization -> not developed when I worked, but includes Digital Drops, Content Requests, Tipping, etc
  • Creator can view all analytics and settings
  • Specific visitor insights, traffic sources (including collaborators), top projects, etc
Desktop Highlights
Key Takeaways —
01 Create as many iterations as possible
This is important because before designing and executing the idea, there is no way of knowing if there is good user flow and if it is reflective of the product goals.
02 Never be too attached to one style or way of designing user interfaces
Sometimes you can be too used to one path that you may be blinded to other methods. No matter how much time and work one path took, it is important to sometimes move onto another idea and not be afraid to start from scratch again.
03 Voice out your ideas even though it may not be your specific designated role or area of responsibility
Working with a small team, I had a specific role as a UX designer but because I was passionate about the success of the company, I learned to not be hesitant to give inputs and speak up if I had any ideas aside from my assigned role.

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© 2022 Sophie Park
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